Steam engine garden tractors first appeared in the late 1800s, followed just before World War I by diesel engines. Choosing the Right Garden Tractor For Your Plot.
If you can get a contractor to remove the stones as a one-off job a smaller tractor may be fine for general garden upkeep.
Operating Your Tractor Safely
- The tractor should always be purposefully designed for the tasks you are using it for, and well maintained.
- Always wear your seat belt to be protected though it won't help much if the tractor ends up upside down.
- Don't EVER give a ride to anyone on a garden tractor.
How to Save Fuel
- Always keep your tractor in well-maintained condition.
- The tractor should be serviced on a regular basis to ensure the fuel filters are changed and the injectors clean. The use of fuel additive may help lower the servicing frequency.
- Air filters should also be kept cleaned and replaced at intervals as like fuel filters they have a significant effect on fuel efficiency.